Gun Control

Posted by on Jun 30, 2015 in Topic, U.S. | No Comments

dino with water guns

Nope not water guns but gun guns. What do we do?

Check back here for recent updates, like this:

– JULY 2015: 3 people killed, 7 injured at a shooting inside a Louisiana theater playing “Trainwreck.” This flung open the gun control debate again, with some saying this is the 204th “mass shooting” in 204 days in the US.
– JULY 2015: A shooting at a Tennessee military recruiting center kills 4 unarmed Marines.
– JUNE 2015: Since the Charleston shooting, the flying of the Confederate flag in the south has come under criticism.



Gun control has been the center of controversy in the United States. While the right to own a firearm is constitutionally protected in the U.S., the continued occurrence of mass shootings continues to fuel the debate.

Tragically, there have been many shootings in the US, but the Charleston shooting added an additional thread to the gun control debate – racism.

On June 17, 2015, a young white man entered the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina where he joined a Bible study group for an hour before shooting ten of the 12 people present.

The next morning, the shooter, Dylann Roof, was captured. Initial investigations of Roof connected him with a white nationalist group, the Council of Conservative Citizens, and a website called “The Last Rhodesian,” on which he had entered a manifesto expressing frustration with black people in America and his intention to do something about it. That combined with reports of racial slurs during the shooting and the historical significance of Roof’s target prompted authorities to label the shooting a hate crime.

See this list of mass shootings in the U.S. in the last 30+ years.


Citizens and politicians on the left argue that with reduced access to guns, such crimes would be simply more difficult to commit.

– They point to the drastically lower rate of gun deaths in many European countries as examples, where guns are much more difficult to acquire.
– Furthermore, those on the left often connect things like mental illness, racism and other social problems as contributing factors to instances of mass violence.
– This, in turn, leads to a call for more affordable health care, a reformation of society’s views toward mental illness, attention to poverty and the lack of or low quality of education in America.

Those on the right are more likely to defend one’s rights to own firearms. They point to the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which explicitly protects U.S. citizens’ rights to own guns.

– Conservatives often argue that without guns, citizens would be powerless against gun-wielding criminals, thus the right to own firearms is a matter of self-protection.
– Also, those on the right are more likely to display a distrust in government in general. This finds its extreme in organizations like The Tea Party.
– These individuals and groups often argue that society becomes more dangerous and unbalanced when governments, with their potential for corruption and tyranny, are the only institutions or people allowed to use weapons.

See country-to-country comparisons of gun ownership and violence.

Read the 2nd Amendment for yourself.

See a discussion of mental illness in mass shootings.


View – Racism is an issue: Racism still represents deep divides in American society. As Hillary Clinton said about the Charleston Church Shooting: “Despite our best efforts and highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished.”

View – Racism is not an issue: These incidents are simply the acts of mentally ill individuals. They are not necessarily indicative of a racist society overall. Some point to the fact that Dylann Roof was caught in February, 2015 with the anti-opiate drug, Suboxone, which has been known to cause violent mood swings and irrational behavior.



View – Mental Health plays a major role: Some argue that those who are deemed mentally ill should not be allowed to own firearms. The National Rifle Association’s Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, recommended “an active national database of the mentally ill” to ensure that they were kept away from firearms.

List of mass shooters from the last eight years and their mental illnesses.

View – Mental Health does not play a major role: Mental illness is a scapegoat for deeper social problems. One is society’s view toward mental illness, which discourages at-risk people to seek treatment. A 2013 Gallup Poll found that 48% of Americans considered mass shootings to be the cause of the failure of the mental health system.

– An academic paper showing that, among other things, the mentally ill are more likely to be victims of violence rather than the perpetrators.



View – For defense against Tyranny: The right and necessity of American citizens to own firearms is to defend against a potentially tyrannical government. A poll found that 65% of Americans agree with this view. Many claim that this has its historical root in the thinking of founding father, Thomas Jefferson, who said: “For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.”

View – Not for defense against Tyranny: Defense against tyranny is misguided, as citizens armed mostly with small arms would be unable to resist a central government with modern military firepower.



View – Corruption is an issue: Pro-gun rights groups like the NRA are corrupt and simply puppets of the “big business” military industrial complex. For example, pro-gun groups donated more than $11 million in campaign contributions in 2014. These organizations also have known connections to weapons manufacturers.

Big Business: “an economic group consisting of large profit-making corporations especially with regard to their influence on social or political policy” – Merriam-Webster

See a report on how the weapons industry funds the NRA.

View – Corruption is an issue: The NRA and other gun rights organizations are simply protecting and advocating for the protection of the 2nd Amendment and the U.S. Constitution.


Mass shootings like the Charleston Church shooting continually re-ignite the debate on gun control. While the ownership of firearms is a longstanding protected right in the U.S., many feel that without access to weapons, mass shootings wouldn’t be nearly as common.

Is the problem of gun violence in America boil down to easy access to guns? Or are there deeper cultural and social problems at play?

What other cultural factors are at play in America’s gun violence problem? Aeon explores this multi-faceted issue.

If you missed it – interesting country-to-country comparisons of gun ownership and violence.

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