US Healthcare – Public vs. Private

Posted by on May 18, 2015 in Topic, U.S. | No Comments

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From Obamacare to… Obamacare. That’s all healthcare discussions seem to be about. Why? Because at the heart of it, it’s about Public vs. Private.

Check back here for recent updates, like this:
The Republican party continues to try dismantling Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act). It’s proving difficult because it has actually gained support over the last few years, and dismantling the program one piece at a time is difficult. It can adversely affect people, such as being forced to switch to new doctors and insurance.

In May, the Senate passed a Republican budget plan that includes allowing a simple Senate majority for future anti-Obamacare laws, rather than the much larger vote currently required.



In the US, there is an age-old debate whether public healthcare or private healthcare is better.

Public vs. Private was much of the controversy in 2010 when President Obama introduced “Obamacare,” officially known as the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. He attempted to improve US healthcare by creating a public healthcare option when private was the only option. The goals of his public option included creating healthcare that is more affordable, higher quality and more accessible to all.

What is it?

Healthcare: “the maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease especially by trained and licensed professionals (as in medicine, dentistry, clinical psychology, and public health)” – Merriam-Webster



Some believe there should be a public healthcare option in addition to a private option.

– Should government have a larger hand in healthcare and offer public healthcare alongside private healthcare?
– Will that help provide better, more affordable healthcare to all Americans?

Others believe there should only be a private healthcare option.

– Should the government stay out of it, letting only private companies offer healthcare?


Pro-public healthcare view: Those in favor of a public option believe it creates more competition for private companies. Competition holds private companies more accountable, pushing them to offer better prices and care.

Pro-private healthcare view: Others believe a “free market” creates the best competition amongst private companies.


Pro-public healthcare view: Some believe the government offering a public option is the best choice because:

– It can provide more affordable healthcare for those who can’t afford it.

– The public option increases insurance coverage of most pre-existing conditions.

– By mandating that every American has some level of health insurance, it can avoid the previous situation: “free riders” who didn’t have insurance but made it more expensive for everyone else.

Pro-private healthcare view: Others believe only private healthcare is the best option because:

– Any public option, aka. an option monitored and run by the government, is inefficient and wastes money.

– About the mandate: Choosing to have health insurance is a private right and the government shouldn’t force everyone to have it.


There are two major sides in the US healthcare debate:

1. PUBLIC: Add public to the private option. This creates competition for private, making all healthcare better. And, more affordable healthcare for all. —Let there be options!

2. PRIVATE: The government is inefficient – don’t allow a public option. Let private companies compete naturally. This creates the best, most efficient healthcare. —Screw the rest, we do it best.

A public healthcare option was created with the Affordable Care Act aka. “Obamacare”. Details are still being debated.

What will happen to “Obamacare” over time? Which is really best, private or a mixture of private and public?

What is actually said in the Affordable Care Act? We’ve summed up the major points here.

How do the others do it? Check out this summary from Policy Mic of 7 other top ranked countries’ healthcare systems. They range from a public system, a private system, or a blend of both private and public, like the US.

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